The Harmonic Egg™ can assist in healing, stimulating rejuvenation,
and providing relief in the following and many more situations:
Managing stress, anxiety, and anger
Suffering from depression, grief, trauma or emotional pain
Coping with illness
Freedom from addictions
Heavy metal and parasite detox
Physical pain or inflammation
Managing insomnia or restless sleep
Coping with ADHD, PTSD, autism, Alzheimer's, dementia or brain fog
Migraines and Headaches
Asthma and Allergies
In the event of any accident, surgery, or emotional or physical shock it has been observed that a session in the few hours following the trauma contributes to a faster remission and healing.
The Harmonic Egg™ also assists in spiritual development, allowing for cleansing of residual ancestral memories or energies that are keeping one from their full ascension.
For many years, scientific contributions from neuroscience, molecular biology and physics have supported "frequency medicine" as a legitimate alternative for healing the body and mind. This new form of medicine is growing rapidly around the world.
And don't forget about your pets!! Animals can also receive benefits from sessions in The Harmonic Egg™!
Brain Neurotransmitters
Happiness and Positivity
Pain Tolerance
At the Cellular Level
Increase in Energy
Cortisol Receptors
Music can Effect:
With NO Side Effects!
Rest frequently
Be gentle with yourself and others
Drink lots of water with electrolytes
Get adequate sleep
Limit yourself to mild exercise for a few days
Eat well
Avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol
Reschedule massages and other forms of energy work for about 5-7 days
Listen to some purchased music or your own healing frequency music at home